한국 사람이 캐나다 등 다른 나라에서 의료용 대마를 처방받을 수 있습니까?

Q- 한국 국적을 가진 환자가 캐나다 등 다른 나라에서 의료용 대마를 처방받을 수 있습니까? A- 네 처방받을 수 있습니다. 캐나다 등 다른 나라에서 의사의 진단을 받고 처방전으로 의료용 대마를 처방받는 것은 위법성 조각사유가 됩니다.

By | 2023-08-03T09:35:30+00:00 10월 28th, 2018|아카이브|한국 사람이 캐나다 등 다른 나라에서 의료용 대마를 처방받을 수 있습니까?에 댓글 닫힘

Is Korea’s stance on marijuana-based medicine outdated? A mother’s plea for CBD legalization.

  Is Korea’s stance on marijuana-based medicine outdated? A mother’s plea for CBD legalization. A mother is labeled an illegal drug smuggler by the law for trying to get medicine for her son with an incurable brain disease. homepage : facebook : twitter : instagram :

By | 2018-11-18T16:03:19+00:00 10월 18th, 2018|아카이브|Is Korea’s stance on marijuana-based medicine outdated? A mother’s plea for CBD legalization.에 댓글 닫힘

Why we start the medical cannabis legalization campaign

  My name is pastor Sung-seok Kang, who is representative of Korea Medical Cannabis Organization. Since my seminary, I have begun ministry for immigrants who are discriminated against in Korean society. I have been doing ministry at the migrant center in Gyeongnam Changwon. While helping to move the donated rice, I went through an emergency [...]

By | 2018-11-18T16:03:41+00:00 10월 17th, 2018|아카이브|Why we start the medical cannabis legalization campaign에 댓글 닫힘

강연·원고, 취재·인터뷰 요청

  의료용 대마 합법화 운동본부 의 대표를 맡고 있는 강성석 목사입니다. 지난 2년 동안 의료용 대마와 관련하여 다양한 언론매체와 인터뷰를 하였습니다. 의료용 대마에 대한 사회적인식, 국민정서가 많이 변화 하였지만 아직 갈길이 먼것 같습니다. 인터뷰, 취재 이외에도 강연, 원고 요청 또한 받고 있습니다. 으로 많은 연락 부탁드립니다 ----------- 의료용 대마 합법화 운동을 시작한 이유 신학교 시절부터 [...]

By | 2023-08-03T09:35:56+00:00 10월 16th, 2018|아카이브|강연·원고, 취재·인터뷰 요청에 댓글 닫힘

[영문기사] Korea Lobby Group Founded to Push for Cannabis Legalization

A lobbying organization was recently formed in South Korea to push for the legalization of medical cannabis. Known as The Organization of Legalizing Medical Cannabis in Korea, this lobbying and cannabis advocacy group intend to persuade the government to adopt medical cannabis as a legally recognized medicine. The group’s first general meeting in Seoul was [...]

By | 2018-10-09T20:39:20+00:00 10월 9th, 2018|아카이브|[영문기사] Korea Lobby Group Founded to Push for Cannabis Legalization에 댓글 닫힘

[영문기사] Medical cannabis bill advances in South Korea

A revised law to permit the use of medical marijuana in South Korea is scheduled for review by key lawmakers in the Legislative Welfare Committee later this month, the first real test for the bill since its introduction in the legislature two months ago. It has been in committee review since February and still faces a long road. An [...]

By | 2018-10-04T14:13:54+00:00 10월 4th, 2018|아카이브|[영문기사] Medical cannabis bill advances in South Korea에 댓글 닫힘