필리핀 단체 sensible philippines 의 cannatalk 행사 참여


“Cannatalk” pilot episode is happening tomorrow, August 20, 2020 at 4:20pm and ends at 7pm.

Let’s connect with our “Friends in Asia” and hear the latest updates on matters that matter to us.

We are pleased to have

Kitty Chopaka of Elevated Estate Thailand
Rev. Sung Seok Kang of 한국의료대마운동본부 Korea Medical Cannabis Organization
and Harish Kumar of Malaysia Society of Awareness – MASA

How up to date or far behind are we from our neighboring countries? Let’s find out tomorrow.

See you all on Facebook.
(The link to join will be posted tomorrow)

Let’s talk #Sensible

#CannaTalk #SensiblePh #FriendsInAsia #CannabisInAsia #ElevatedEstate #CannabisBKK #CannabisThailand #MASA #CannabisMalaysia #KoreaMedicalCannabisAssociation #CannabisSK #CannabisSouthKorea #UnitedAsia

By | 2020-11-21T16:53:42+00:00 8월 19th, 2020|주요활동|필리핀 단체 sensible philippines 의 cannatalk 행사 참여에 댓글 닫힘